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Air pollution control equipment

Energy-saving and respect for the environment


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Purified gaseous effluent
0 1.0T m3
Total volume treated to date
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Abated VOC
0 5.2M t
Total amount abated to date
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CO2 not emitted
0 5.4M t
Total CO₂ not emitted to date
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Recovered Solvent
0 5.4M t
Total amount recovered to date

About Us

We supply complete turnkey plants, for the abatement of pollutants in the atmosphere.

We specialise in the abatement of VOCs, acid fumes, inorganic pollutants and in building plants for the recovery of the solvent used in your production. We have been operating worldwide since 1993, coming up with cutting-edge solutions to reduce air pollution and to optimise energy.

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