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The rotor concentrator system is an auxiliary plant to the main emissions treatment systems, used where there are high flow rates and low concentrations of VOC to reduce the total energy consumption.

The rotor concentrator is an auxiliary system used when polluted airflow volume is high and the VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds) concentration is low.

This solution has the specific target to support the following abatement stage (thermal oxidation), optimizing system overall energy consumption.

Rotor concentrator: technical characteristics and advantages

  • Suitable for high flow rates and low VOC concentrations.
  • Adsorbent fireproof material.
  • Reduced pressure drops.
  • Pollutants and stream concentration ratio up to 1:20.
  • High purification efficiency >95%.
  • Easy to manage and use.
  • Reduced maintenance.
  • Electrical switchgear with PLC and remote assistance.

How does a rotor concentrator work?

The rotoconcentration technology can be generally applied when it is needed to purify low VOC concentrations flows (up to 2,0 g/Nm³) or large airflows. In these cases, to optimise the plant operational costs, it is possible to concentrate the pollutants to be treated with the rotoconcentrator.

Prefiltration of the flow to be treated
It is very important to pay particular attention to the (often necessary) filtration of the gas effluent to be treated, as to avoid the concentration rotor clogging and adsorption efficiency reduction. For this purpose, a multistage filtration section is installed. In it, ensuring proper air speed reductions and the presence of proper filtering materials, the most of the dust is removed.

VOC adsorption, desorption and oxidation
In this phase the pollutants adsorption process takes place, by means of a concentration rotor containing zeolites that ensures the continuous adsorption and the contemporary regeneration of part of the rotor, thus avoiding the need to foresee more consecutive phases.

The concentration rotor is in fact composed of more sections: in addition to the adsorption one, we have a regeneration section (with reduced dimensions) in which it is possible to remove the previously accumulated pollutant, restoring the zeolites adsorption efficiency.
This is how the process happens: the polluted air is conveyed, by means of proper fans, to the adsorption section of the concentration rotor, where the pollutant is held according to the chemical-physical bonds that are formed between the adsorbent material (zeolites) and the pollutants themselves. The purified air is conveyed to the final ejection stack. After that, thanks to the heating of proper areas of the concentration rotor, the pollutant adsorbed from primary emission is released to a second flow with a highly reduced flow rate. This concentrated flow is sent to a thermal oxidation process which, according to specific technical characteristics, can be recuperative, catalytic or regenerative. The choice of the right final oxidation system can achieve the self-sustaining condition, drastically reducing the auxiliary fuel consumptions.

Rotor concentrator: a flexible technology

  • Dedicated dusts prefiltration systems
  • Special zeolites selection in order to reduce the polymerisation of some pollutants or to deal with specific technical problems
  • Desorption system choice flexibility according to the concentrated flow abatement technology (direct, catalytic, recuperative, regenerative thermal oxidizers)
  • Ad hoc design in case of space limitations
  • Turnkey supply

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